This page gives complete access to the resources that will support the lessons in the IDEAS for College & Career Readiness Plans program.
* The PowerPoint Presentations- serve as visual props, with notes to support the session lessons. They are editable. They are not meant to click through in one class period. They can also be personalized and printed/laminated for classroom bulletin boards and small group activities.
Below you will find the session support PowerPoints for the College and Career Readiness Plans Workshop. It is divided into 6 sections: the Introduction, Inspiration, Determination, Expectations, Action and Strategies. Click on the session to download the powerpoint with notes. * Note: Some class facilitators elect to jump to the Strategies chapter out of order. This is most useful when the program is being used at the beginning of the school year to support study strategies. It is recommended to start the program with at least the Introduction complete before altering sequence.
- for lesson delivery support!
* The Facilitator Guide - eBook- can be used to support teachers who need to plan remotely, or to project student project and extension pages in class.
* The Student Book - eBook- this version is for facilitator access, and to project pages in class to support lessons when needed.
For access to these materials please send email to [email protected] requesting password. Once you have the password you may click here to enter it.